RTCP - Tea clicker

Posted on sam. 25 janvier 2020 in CTF

solves : 138

Point : 150

It's not too far back in my memory when cookie clickers were all the rage. But this new one with tea and cats has such great art and themes, I'm hooked! Unfortunately, the only reward is so many clicks away, and even if I spend double the time, I still can't get it!

This challenge remember me some old games with CheatEngine. This program allows you to edit the memory value with a GUI and some nice search functions. If you don't have Windows, you can install it through Wine or using GameConqueror (GUI for scanmem).

The both use the same workflow. You need to select the correct value or select all type, search a first time with the current one (for exemple 0 as it is the start score), make some change to the value and repeat the search. If you get again a lot of addresses in return, you can edit it again and search again.

I searched three times and I got only one value. You double click on it and, then, edit it from the below tab.


As soon as you submit your edit, the flag replace the target score:
