RTCP - Pandas Like Salads

Posted on sam. 25 janvier 2020 in CTF

solves : 154

Point : 350

Did you know a new panda was added to the Washington DC zoo recently? Yep, apparently she really like salads. Interesting, yeah? Also, the panda keepers of the zoo said that the key to happiness in life is a little CUTENESS every day. You know, all the keepers who are on the panda's rotation all said the same thing to me. Very interesting.


Ok, we have a strange alphabet. I remember a book read a lot time ago about it. It's call the Pigpen cipher. We got then the first step : ysay{hjkahr_qqgdia_unr_kw_yrq_pm_nnfb}.

We need to decode it again. We got a key from the description (CUTNESS). With this key, we can try to decode with the Vigenère cipher. We got then wyhu{ufsifx_xmtzqi_sty_gj_uzy_ns_ujsx}. Ok, one more step is still required. We can notice than all the start (wyhu) is ahead of 5 letters than the standard start. We can use Caesar cipher to perfom it with using 21 (26-5) as key : rtcp{pandas_should_not_be_put_in_pens}.